The Falak Study Program of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya invites all foreign Undergraduates students around Indonesia and overseas to join in 2023 Falak Science Online Short Course Practical Qibla Direction with theme "Understanding the Qibla Direction Through Shar'i Approach, Mathematics and Astronomy".
🗓 Day/Date: Saturday and Sunday, 17-18 and 24-25 June 2023
Time: 09.00 AM - 04.00 PM
Facilitator: Lecturer of Falak Study Program UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya and Practitioner of Falakiyah Institute
Facilities: training materials, certificates, and free of program fee
Registration by June 14, 2023
Link registration:
CP: Head of Falak Study Program Faculty of Sharia and Law UINSA
Siti Tatmainul Qulub, M.S.I. (085290373455)
Come on, gain new knowledge and improve your skills, register now!