4th Shaw-IAU Workshop on Astronomy for Education

Teaching and learning space science resources. Supported by Brunei National Astronomy Education Coordinator (NAEC), IAU OAE
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4th Shaw-IAU Workshop on Astronomy for Education

Post by hazarry »

Registration for the 4th Shaw-IAU Workshop on Astronomy for Education by is now open.

The workshop is scheduled to be held from 15-17 November 2022 and organised by the Office of Astronomy for Education, IAU.

The topic for this year’s Shaw-IAU Workshop on Astronomy for Education is ‘Leveraging the potential of astronomy in formal education’ and is scheduled to run 15 to 17 November 2022 as a fully virtual event on Hopin as in previous years.

This year’s Shaw-IAU Workshop focuses on the role of astronomy in the core regions of formal, primary and secondary, education: How do we teach astronomy as its own subject? What is the role of astronomy in teaching physics or chemistry – or in communicating such a central future topic as climate change? In sessions marked with a * we aim to hear specifically from teachers. We also address the question of how to approach those who set the framework for teaching: How can you get your administration, or at a much higher level: your education ministry, to listen to you? Last but not least we look at how to bridge the divide between the fundamentals that are commonly taught in school and results from cutting-edge research, which tend to be fascinating to students and the general public alike.

The deadline to register is the 15th of November 2022 at 12:00 (UTC time).

Register here: https://www.astro4edu.org/shaw-iau/4th- ... -workshop/

More Info: https://www.astro4edu.org/shaw-iau/
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